Acadia Workshop 2024
In 2024, I had seven photographers from all over the country join me for my Images of Acadia landscape workshop in Maine. This year they came from New Hampshire (x2), Maine, Colorado, Illinois, and Massachusetts (x2). One was returning after joining me before in 2022, and another became my first 3x attendee (2019, 2023 and 2024). There was a lot of excitement in the air as we met on our first afternoon, went through introductions, then headed out for the first excursion of the week. All together, we would go on about twenty-five excursions over the next five days.
We were blessed with beautiful blue skies and sunny weather each day… and we were cursed with beautiful blue skies and sunny weather… As landscape photographers, no one wants to take pictures in the rain, but we could’ve used some more variety in the weather. But you can’t pick your weather so we made the most it, shooting lots of great autumn color against the blue skies, photographing abstract reflections in the streams and brooks, and even shooting the full moon rising up in the eastern skies early one evening.
The plan is to do it all again during the second or third week of October 2025. If you’re interested in joining me, send me an email and I’ll add you to the list of photographers to notify once I’ve nailed down the dates. In the meantime, enjoy these images from this year’s participants.
The group after a very fruitful morning at one of our favorite stops, Sieur de Monts: Mike (Illinois), Mike (Colorado), Deb (New Hampshire), Bryce (Maine), Katie (Massachusetts), Nicki (New Hampshire), Karen (Massachusetts) and me.