Autumn in Illinois

After ten days of photographing Autumn in Acadia (Maine), I was well primed for more color. I was supposed to do a shoot in Michigan in late October, but it was cancelled. I unexpectedly found myself with a couple days of ‘free time’ so I drove up to Illinois’ largest state park, Rock Cut, near Rockford and the Illinois/ Wisconsin border.

I went up twice; the first time was more of a scouting trip since I’d never been there before, but it was a balmy 70 degree day- short sleeves were in order- and the colors were at peak, so I stayed of several hours making images. Nine days later I returned, this time the leaves had mostly fallen so it was a challenge to look for areas of color and late autumn images.

Prints available by emailing me at


Review: the 2023 Acadia National Park Landscape Photography Workshop


Medieval Windows